How many people are called Thomas in England and Wales? What names are similar to this man name
Thomas is a name for a man used in England and Wales. Do you want to know some statistics about this given name?
Topic | Value |
Name | Thomas |
Reverse Name | Samoht |
Total Letters | 6 |
Total Vowels | 2 |
Total Consonants | 4 |
Unique Vowels | a, o |
Total Unique Vowels | 2 |
Unique Consonants | h, m, s, t |
Total Unique Consonants | 4 |
With this name ... | Data |
People born in 2019 | 2957 |
People born since 1996 | 150447 |
Year with more people | 1996 |
Number of people in 1996 | 9603 |
Year | People born named Thomas |
1996 | 9603 |
1997 | 9479 |
1998 | 9468 |
1999 | 9454 |
2000 | 8672 |
2001 | 8337 |
2002 | 7438 |
2003 | 7213 |
2004 | 7295 |
2005 | 6792 |
2006 | 6616 |
2007 | 6530 |
2008 | 6062 |
2009 | 5520 |
2010 | 5307 |
2011 | 5353 |
2012 | 4893 |
2013 | 4591 |
2014 | 4405 |
2015 | 4075 |
2016 | 3898 |
2017 | 3246 |
2018 | 3243 |
2019 | 2957 |
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